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Showing posts from November, 2023

Israel Hamas conflict

The conflict between Israel and Hamas is a long-standing and complex issue. It primarily revolves around the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with Hamas being a Palestinian militant organization. The conflict has involved multiple wars and periods of violence. Here's a simplified overview: Background: The conflict has deep historical roots, including the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories, which began in 1967. Hamas: Hamas is a Palestinian political and military organization that governs the Gaza Strip. It was founded in 1987. It is considered a terrorist organization by some countries, including Israel, the United States, and the European Union. However, it also has a significant following among Palestinians. Causes: The conflict involves a range of issues, including territory, borders, security, and the status of Jerusalem. These issues have led to multiple wars and periods of violence. Key Events: Notable conflicts include the Gaza War in 2008-2009, Operation Pillar of D